
Dr. Deb’s Thoughts & News

Dr Deb Moncauskas shares her thoughts and ideas from her 35 years in Children and Family Ministry. Also, stay tuned for upcoming events, news and announcements!

Children and Youth are the Future Church?

Nov 26, 2019 | Leadership Development

I have often heard children and youth referred to as the “future church”. On one hand the reference speaks to our responsibility to guide and grow them in things of faith and leadership, as one day they will be leading our churches and we will be following. On the other hand, the term is used to postpone any contribution that can be made today. The “not yet” generation will one day be allowed to contribute, step into positions of leadership and make a difference for the Kingdom.

I want to challenge the church to make space for kids and youth to learn about and practice leadership today. Young leaders need a place where they can contribute and solve problems, dream, create and implement plans and use their unique set of strengths, gifts, and abilities.

Consider mentoring and training young leaders as:

  • Small group leaders: Give them the tools to teach, guide and facilitate conversations.
  • Sunday School leaders: Teach them to prepare lessons and study God’s Word.
  • Worship team: Make space for them to use their gifts to lead others in worship.
  • Welcome and Greet Team: Help them to see and respond to those who need to be welcomed. Mentor in effective and caring communication.
  • Youth group planning team: Teach them to plan, execute and evaluate youth meetings.

Kids are the Church today and ready to make a difference now!

Created for and published in Children’s Ministry Magazine. Reprinted by permission. Copyright Group Publishing, All Rights Reserved.

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