
Dr. Deb’s Thoughts & News

Dr Deb Moncauskas shares her thoughts and ideas from her 35 years in Children and Family Ministry. Also, stay tuned for upcoming events, news and announcements!

Skills, Abilities and Behaviors Critical to Nurture

Nov 26, 2019 | Leadership Development

Every student has the potential to be an effective leader. Leadership skills can be practiced, developed and perfected. What skills, abilities and behaviors are critical to nurture in these young emerging leaders?

  • Self-awareness, a healthy self-esteem, and self-respect are foundational for healthy leaders. Help students identify their learning styles, values, strengths and challenges.
  • Character development including integrity, honesty, faithfulness, commitment and servant-hood.
  • Effective communication skills. Teach students to say what they mean so that others understand. This should include verbal and non-verbal communication skills and empathy.
  • Listening and reflecting– if they fail at listening, they will fail as a leader.
  • Decision-making skills and problem-solving skills. How do they define problems and then think creatively about solutions?
  • Group dynamics and teamwork, collaboration and interpersonal relationship skills.

Developing next generation leaders will not happen without an intentional and purposeful focus on their development as leaders. This training should provide young leaders with the opportunity to learn, grow and change as people who will make a difference and influence their world.

Created for and published in Children’s Ministry Magazine. Reprinted by permission. Copyright Group Publishing, All Rights Reserved.

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